Things you should know before requesting a listing on

The Fine Print

Australias.Guide is a travel guide and tourism website that provides information about Australia

We are not a shopping mall or general business directory so we will only accept listings that meet our content standards and categories..
We only promote Australian travel and hospitality businesses.

Our primary categories are;

    • Accommodation
    • Tours
    • Attractions
    • Transport
    • Events
    • Food & Drink
    • Information Services
    • General Travel Services

The only grey areas are where you might provide a service that would be considered important to visitors/travellers such as;  a Roadhouse or Petrol Station, Travel Agent, Currency Exchange, Translation Services, Medical Services, Hospitals, Child minding, Pet minding or Veterinary services etc. These may qualify under the ‘General Travel services’ category (at our discretion).

You will need a physical address where customers can visit and we can display on a map. Online only stores will not qualify. 

If you provide services such as Weight Loss programs, web development, plumbing, building or general business services, it’s unlikely we will approve your listing. You get the idea, its all about Australian travel, hospitality and related services.

A real person reviews every listing application to ensure it meets our requirements. 

We should also let you know that our site is strictly for general audiences so Adult content, gambling systems or anything we deem ‘offensive’ or ‘inappropriate’ content, won’t make the cut either. Enough said.

If you are unsure, Ask Us