Gateway to Murrurundi
Landmarks and Buildings
Distance from: 0.8 kms | Price from: Not Available
As you enter the southern gateway of Murrurundi, you'll be greeted by an eye catching corten steel sign, crafted by...
Blandford Signal Station Mural
Landmarks and Buildings
Distance from: 7.2 kms | Price from: Not Available
As you journey towards Murrurundi, you'll be greeted by murals adorning signal stations along the railway line. This initiative was...
Murrurundi Pioneer Cottage
Historical Sites and Heritage Locations
Distance from: 0.0 kms | Price from: Free
The Murrurundi Pioneer cottage came to Murrurundi from a farm called Allston out of Timor Way and was built in...
ArtOnlyby Anita – Studio1308
Galleries, Museums and Collections
Distance from: 0.3 kms | Price from: Free
Anita is a local artist who practices her craft at Studio 1308 on Mayne, a working studio that is open...