There are plenty of options for Restaurants and Bars in The Northern Territory, Everything from fine dining to takeaway, you’ll find most of the premium restaurants in Darwin and Alice Springs but you may be surprised what is available even in some of the more remote locations .

The best way to find food and drink in the NT  is to narrow your search to an area or specific location. We have suggested a few of the popular destinations below to help out but if you know where you want to go just enter it by using the search field above.

Featured Food and Drink

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Audit House

Burnett House Afternoon Tea

The Gardens, Darwin


Bannsang Korean Restaurant



Bamboo Lounge

Stuart Park, Darwin

Dining area

Cafe 21 – Smith Street


Row of drinks at Waterfront

Thirsty Zac


Stokes Hill Wharf

Portside Char Grill
