Snake Island

National Parks and Reserves

Known by locals as ‘Snake Island’, this small area can be accessed via a footbridge. There is picnic seating on the island, along with a short trail, while nearby is a raised, concreted fishing platform allowing wheelchair access to the riverfront. A blue tree, painted as part of the Blue Tree Project raising mental health awareness, stands on the island, next to a ‘reflection seat’.


Carpark Family Friendly Pet Friendly Picnic Area

Disabled Assistance

Disabled access available


Free Entry

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The Loxton Pump Track is located within the Lions Park on the banks of the Murray River.

Loxton Pump Track

Loxton, Loxton Waikerie

Each of the sculpture


Loxton, Loxton Waikerie

The monument was unveiled at the official opening of the Loxton Irrigation Area in 1949.

Loxton Irrigation Area momument

Loxton, Loxton Waikerie

The shaded seating area offers a view to the Landing below.

Stasinowsky’s Landing

Loxton North, Loxton Waikerie

Situated on the clifftop above Habel

‘Heaven’ Clifftop Viewpoint

Loxton, Loxton Waikerie

River Red Chairs

River Red Chairs

Loxton, Loxton Waikerie

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