Albacutya Silo Art

Landmarks and Buildings

2021 addition to the Wimmera Mallee Silo Art Trail, Albacutya Silo is nine kilometres north of Rainbow in North West Victoria. Melbourne artist Kitt Bennett was inspired to create an artwork that tells the story of growing up in the country as a youth. Kitt has fond memories of exploring the bush and looking for yabbies under rocks in creeks with their parents. Reflecting on this weird and wonderful time as an adult is something that brings a lot of happiness.’

Kitt wanted to keep the artwork somewhat surreal and distorted from reality. Much like the nature of stories from the past. They often become exaggerated.
Wanting to make this painting very bright and full of colour in an attempt to reflect the rainbow theme and to separate it from its environment. The Silo itself is old but the artwork aims to breathe a new life into the landscape.

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