Back Track Buggys Tasmania

Adventure and Outdoors Tours

Back Track Buggys Tasmania is a guide-led tour across parts of the Forestier Peninsula, in southeast Tasmania not far from Eagles Hawk Neck. Guests book either the two or four-seater buggy option and are led on tour by an experienced guide.

You will travel over old disused logging tracks to reach an amazing clifftop lookout with a view over Cape Surville.

The track is approx 23 kilometres return with the tour duration taking 2.5 hours.


Back Track Buggys Tasmania is a guide-led tour across parts of the Forestier Peninsula, in southeast Tasmania not far from Eagles Hawk Neck. Guests book either the two or four-seater buggy option and are led on tour by an experienced guide. You will travel over old disused logging tracks to reach an amazing clifftop lookout with a view over Cape Surville.

The track is approx 23 kilometres return with the tour duration taking 2.5 hours.

Guests can book online, and choose between a 9am to 1pm departure time. You will be met at the shed where you will be asked to sign the Terms and Conditions document and select a safety helmet, you will then be run through the short induction vehicle operation and business guidelines.

Disabled Access

Carpark Family Friendly

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