Winnecke Goldfield Cemetery

Historical Sites and Heritage Locations

Winnecke Goldfields are named after surveyor Charles Winnecke who established a depot in the locality whilst first mapping the area in 1878. The cemetery site is comprised of seven graves near the foot of a low hill. Most are unmarked and lie side by side over a distance of about 19m. They appear as low mounds of gravel and areas of subsidence. One grave is marked by a headstone and a bush timber post and rail fence. The ‘cemetery’ was never officially declared but was primarily used to bury victims of a typhoid outbreak on the goldfields in 1903. The earliest and only identifiable grave is that of Drew Williams (prospector) who died on 31 May 1903. Other individuals who may have been buried at the site are Stephen Abraham (miner), Charles Kemp (prospector), Charles Tyrrell (prospector) and Jane Donnellan (child).

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